威廉安格斯第三十二課Petite Four: 甘納許巧克力球(Ganache Balls),馬卡龍(Macarons),維也納酥脆餅(Viennese Biscuits)


Petite 是法文 "小"的意思
Four  是法文"烤箱"或"烘烤"的意思
所以Petite Four就是指小小甜甜被,烘烤過的點心

通常這類型的點心會伴隨著咖啡一起食用  (想像西方人邊喝下午茶,邊隨手吃小點心)


馬卡龍 Macarons

·         A: 300g Icing sugar, 300g Almond meal
·         B: 110 g Egg white, Colour
·         C: 300 g Caster Sugar, 75 g Water

·         Process  A Ingredients together in food processor and shift
·         Combine B ingredients together
·         Boil the sugar and water to 118 degree
·         Whisk the whites to soft peak stage
·         Slow the mixer down and carefully pour the hot syrup into the eggwhites a thin continuous stream
·         Continue whisking until the meringue is cool
·         Incorporate the A,B &C mixed together with a spatula till mix becomes shiny
·         Pipe macaroon onto lined tray as per the demonstration
·         Tap the tray very lightly on the bench to remove the points
·         Let the macaroon shell dry for at least 30 minutes but no longer
·         Preheat oven 180 degree and bake 165 degree 12-18 mins
·         Open oven door once at 8 mins and once at 10 mins to eliminate steam in oven
·         Once cooked slide macaroon off the hot tray to stop them cooking and to cool
·         Fill & refrigerate

維也納酥脆餅 Viennese Biscuits 

·         A: 50g Icing Sugar,100g Butter unsalted, 1 pinch salt
·         B: ¼ egg, trace Vanilla essence
·         C: 125g Flour

·         Creaming the ingredients A together till light and soft (Make sure the ingredients and equipment is warm about 25 degree)
·         Warm egg slightly and add to above in several stages
·         Fold in the flour by spatula
·         Pipe mixture onto clean prepare baking sheets
·         No.9 star tube to 6cm long finger
·         No.9 star tube to 4 cm in diameter for rosettes, decorate with cherries or angelica
·         Bake at 190 degree for approx. 15 minutes

甘納許巧克力球 Ganache Balls

·         100g Dark Chocolate, 50ml Cream,10g  Hazel Nuts, 10g Walnuts, 10g Almonds, 5ml Rum

·          Place chocolate , cream and rum in a bowl and place over heat(bain marie隔水加熱)
·         Peel and clean nuts, then roast in oven
·         Chop nuts and mix into the melted chocolate mix, let cool
·         When ganache mix is set roll into even size ball about 2cm diameter
·         To finish the balls can be rolled or dipped in:
           -Melted chocolate
           -Cocoa powder
           -Desiccated coconut
           -Chopped nuts

           -Chocolate sprinkle


