今天上課的主題是煮 主要分成三種
Corned Sliverside
-Corned silverside, Onion, Carrots, Cloves whole, Bay leaf, Vinegar
-Rinse the piece of 300g silverside in 1litre cold water,
-Place the meat in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and add the 50ml vinegar. Bring to a simmer, skim
- Add the 50g onion, 50g carrot, 1 cloves and 1 bay leaf
-A piece of meat this size should be done in approx. 90 mins. To test for doneness, push a skewer into the meat, it should offer little resistance
-Rest the meat in the liquid before serving to relax the muscles of the meat
-Carve the corned silverside meat across the grain into 3 mm thick slices-Serve on a warm plate Pear in Red Wine-Put the 1 bay leaf, 1 cinnamon stick, 300g A1 sugar, 250ml water, 500ml red Wine, 1/2 lemon sqeezed,1 star anise, 3 coriander seeds, 2 cardamon for the stock syrup in a pot
-Bring to the boil and simmer for 10mins
-Turn down to poaching temp
-Peel the pear ,leaving the stalk on
-Remove core and seeds(Can using a parisienne cutter)
-Place the pear in the pot and cover with a cartouche(a piece of baking paper)
-Cook pear until tender
-Check by using a wooden skewer piercing through the core hole
-Remove the pear from heat and let cool in poaching liquid-Serve cold pear on a pool of syrup and garnish Turned Potatoes-Turned 2 Potato-Place potatoes in a pot cover with cold water and add a pinch of salt -Bring to the boil and simmer around 20 mins -Check with a wooden skewer, there should be no resistance Boiled Pasta-Bring the water to boil with salt-Add pasta and stir to move the pasta through the water to stop pasta sticking together -Turn the heat down to simmer the water. If the water is boiling to rapidly it can overcook the outside of the pasta before the inside is cooked -Simmer for approx. 10-12 mins until the pasta is al dente(彈牙) -Strain pasta through chinois -Stir through melted butter and chopped parsley and serve on a warm plate Boiled Broccoli-Cut 1 broccoli into pieces-Bring a pot of salted water to boil -Place broccoli into boiling water until they are tender but still retain bright green colour -Once cooked remove from pot and place immediately into iced water, to ensure the retain their colour Poached Eggs-Heat 1 litre water and 60ml vinegar in a deep pot until bubbles are forming on the bottom, but not breaking the surface(the temp is vital)-Crack each egg into a small cup and gently pour into the liquid -As the egg falls through the water it should set into an egg shape and then float to the surface when the white is set -Cook until the white is set and the yolk is still runny approx. 2-3mins according to size -Remove with a slotted spoon, drain and trim whites before serving 不得不說,掌握到位的義大利麵 加點鹽,胡椒,奶油,月桂葉拌炒一下 就能在口中感受麵條到彈跳的快樂 主廚說我馬鈴薯煮太軟了(我天生對根莖澱粉類就是要煮軟的直覺T~T") 義大利麵很棒 花椰菜OK 牛肉在水沸騰後就關小火煮,約攝氏95度 才能讓牛肉去鹽味,又柔軟,更富有肉汁 洋梨不錯,但是醬汁濃縮過頭了(這時我旁邊的韓國仔濃縮到焦味也出來了...) 而無法擁有像鮮豔的紅色是跟紅葡萄酒的品牌有關 因為主廚示範跟我在家裡練習都是煮一會就呈現漂亮的紅色 但實作課沒辦法(可能是因為使用一大箱20L才AU$15) 水波蛋很不錯 但我問老師為什麼水波蛋無法像示範課一樣 蛋白完整的包覆著蛋黃 老師說 跟雞蛋的新鮮度有關 越新鮮越好(那我們實作課的雞蛋 是拿來考驗學生的嗎....) 我真喜歡這張紅酒燉洋梨的照片 好像兩隻喜鵲的呢喃之情 很適合情人節有關的主題 是道健康又好吃又充滿視覺美感的甜點喔~ |