


1. 將煮好的高湯分成數小盒或浸在放冰水的箱子中
2. 待冷卻後放置密閉的容器中,再放入冰箱
3. 冰箱冷藏可放置3-7天,冷凍1-3個月,視高湯種類決定


Cream-Pea and mint Veloute 豌豆薄荷奶油濃湯 

•    20g butter, 100g Green peas, 20g flour, 20g Fresh mint leaves, 30g onion, 500ml chicken stock, 50ml cream, salt, pepper

•    Place chicken and onion in a pot and bring to the boil, turn down to a simmer
•    Blanch green peas and mint leaves in chicken stock ,refresh
•    Puree green peas and mint leaves together until smooth, set aside
•    Make a blond roux with the butter and flour
•    Remove onion from chicken stock and use the stock to make a veloute
•    Once the veloute is cooked out add the green pea and mint puree and bring back to the boil, do not cook for too long as the soup will turn brown
•    Next pass the soup through a chinos, re-heat, season, add cream and correct the consistency
•    Serve in a hot soup bowl garnished with deep fried julienne of leek

Puree-Cauliflower puree 白花菜濃湯 

•    200g  Cauliflower, roughly chopped, 50g onion rough chopped, 2 bay leaves, chicken stock, pinch nutmeg, 125ml milk, salt, pepper

•    Sweat onion and cauliflower in a little oil
•    Add chicken stock to cover the cauliflower and bring to boil
•    Simmer until cauliflower and onion are tender
•    Puree until smooth
•    Warm the milk with the bay leaves and nutmeg
•    Remove bay leaves and add to cauliflower puree
•    Bring bact the boil, season and adjust consistency
•    Serve in a hot soup bowl garnished with croutons


Clear-Consommé Natural 澄清雞湯

•    1 egg white, 125g mince chicken , 25g finely chopped carrot, 25g finely chopped celery, 5 Peppercorns, 1 Bay leave,1 Thyme sprig, 2 Parsley stalks, 1 L chicken stock, 50g onion thickly sliced

•    Mix the egg white, mince chicken, carrot, celery, peppercorns, bay leaf, thyme, parsley stalks, and 100 ml cold stock. This mixture is known as a raft and can be mixed in a food processor
•    Brown onions in a dry pan
•    Bring reming chicken stock and browned onions to the boil in a pot
•    Pour in raft mixture and stir in well
•    Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 hours, do not disturb the consommé 
•    Carefully stain though filter paper and skim away any fat
•    Serve in a hot soup bowl, garnished with brunoise of vegs

Broth-Minestrone 義大利雜燴湯 

•    15g Butter,15g Bacon batons, 1 clove crush Garlic, Onion 15g  paysanne, Carrot 15g  paysanne, Cabbage 15g  paysanne, Celery 15g  paysanne, Leek 15g  paysanne, Potato 15g paysanne, Tomato 15g concasse,5g  Parsley continental rough chopped, 15g Tomato paste, 500ml Chicken stock, 15g Haricot beans(cooked), 15g Spaghetti(2cm length), Salt, Pepper

•    To soak beans place in a bowl and cover with boiling water. Let stand for at least 1 hr
•     Cook bacon in butter, add garlic, onion, carrot, cabbage, celery, leek and sweat
•    Stir though tomato paste and sweat slightly
•    Add stock, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 mins
•    Add potato, spaghetti and beans and cook until tender. Skim when need
•    Adjust seasoning, stir in parsley and serve in a hot soup bowl




