威廉安格斯第二十九課: 草莓奶油蛋糕Gâteaux (Genoise Sponge with Butter cream)


Gâteaux :在法文裡就是蛋糕的意思

Genoise Sponge:就是用全蛋去打發,並且含有牛奶油Butter 的蛋糕體,通常都是做提拉米蘇的底,所以口感偏厚實而且較乾

Butter cream:  這裡是指將牛奶油Butter加上翻糖Fondant(也可以用糖粉替代)快速打發到牛奶油泛白的狀態,所以可沒有加鮮奶油Cream喔~

今天的成品讓難搞的主廚也稱讚很棒了 (我想是大部分的人都做得很可怕吧)


Genoise Sponge 全蛋蛋糕

·          15ml Water,60g butter, 120g flour,30g corn flour(shifted), 150g sugar, 5 eggs

·         Spray the cake moud with oil,then dust with flour
·         Melt butter and water, leave to cool
·         Whish eggs and sugar until light and fluffy
·         Gently fold throughfliur adding butter with water at the end
·         Pour sponge mix into mould
·         Bake at 195 degree for 25-30 minutes

Sugar Syrup 糖漿

·          250ml Water, 250g Sugar
·         Melt together in a small pot

Butter Cream 打發牛奶油

·          500g unsalted butter(room temperature), 350g fondant

·         Whip butter it is light and fluffy, whiter in colour
·         Add the fondant is small amount
·         Should only take 30 s
·         When all fondant is incorporated, stop the machine,scrape down the sides of the bowl and clear the bottom of the bowl
·         Make sure there are no lumps

Assemble Requirements 組合

Genoise Ingredients:
·          Sugar syrup, butter cream, whipped cream, strawberry, chocolate decoration, roast nuts,flan gel for dipping strawberry

·         slice the genoise into 3 equal slices
·         place the bottom layer onto base plate, moisten with sugar syrup
·         spread the cream 1 cm thick,then lay a thin layer of strawberry over cream
·         lay on the next layer of genoise and press gentley, apply syrup if needed
·         spread snother layer of cream 1 cm thick and repeat strawberry
·         place the third layer of genoise, sharp edge to the top
·         press firmly th level gateaum turn on bench to check ‘eye level’
·         applt thin layer of cream to top and buttercream to the sides to totally encase the cake
·         place in coolroom to firm up. The fat will harden and give a sharper edge to the gateaux when the final decoration is applied
·         clean bench and prepare chocolate decorations, roast nuts and garnish
·         renmove the gateau from coolroom abd apply fresh top coating of fresh cream then apply apply soft buttercream to side
·         before the cream has a chance to harden you need to apply decoration
·         Finishing decoration on top


