香煎鮭魚佐柳橙奶油醬 Salmon with Orange Cream Sauce






香煎鮭魚佐柳橙奶油醬 Salmon with Orange Cream Sauce

材料 Ingredients:  
  • 鮭魚一片 (1 Salmon)
  • 白高湯100 ml (100 ml white stock)
  • 柳丁一顆,榨汁和取些許皮屑(1 orange juice and zest)
  • 奧勒岡葉子一片(1 leaf Oregano chopped)
  • 鮮奶油50 m l ( 50ml cream)
  • 糖 5克 (5 g sugar)
  • 奶油20 g (20 g butter)
  • 鹽和胡椒少許 (Pinch Salt and Pepper)

作法 Method:
  • 鍋子煮高湯,讓湯汁收乾到一半,增強風味Reduce the stock by half to intensify the flavour
  • 加入柳丁汁和柳丁屑,待快滾時轉小火,慢熬5-10鐘至液體收乾到一半 Add orange juice and zest to stock, bring to boil then simmer and reduce by half
  • 鮭魚抹上些許鹽和胡椒調味,下加些許油的平底鍋煎(若非使用不沾鍋的話,鍋子要待夠熱才不會沾鍋 )Season Salmon steak and place in a hot frying pan, cook to medium 
  • 鮭魚煎至喜好的熟度後,取出,保持溫度 Remove steak from pan, keep warm and rest 
  • 將鍋子裡的湯汁倒入平底鍋( 旁邊的渣渣是精華喔,要刮進湯汁裡) Deglaze frying pan with stock and orange reduction
  • 加入鮮奶油和糖 ,待快滾時轉小火微微燉一下Add cream, sugar and bring to the boil then simmer to infuse flavor and reduce to thicken. 
  • 關火,邊加入奶油邊快速攪拌 (非常重要,如此一來,奶油才會包住液體,而不是只有融化,這樣醬汁才會濃稠)Turn off the heat then quickly whisk in a few pieces of chopped butter at a time, until all the butter is incorporates. 
  • 將醬汁淋上鮭魚,擺飾,上菜 (Nappe在這是專門指濃稠的液體或醬汁)To serve nappe  over steak and garnish


