Chicken Chasseur 法式蘑菇雞:
這是一道傳統的法國菜,首先將半隻雞分解成 Sauté 四塊,就可以準備下鍋製作
材料 :
- 1/2 Chicken, cut for saute,15ml Oil, 20g Diced Onion,25g Lardon Bacon, 40g Slice Mushroom,30g Tomato concasse, 40ml white wine, 1 sprig Tarragon, 80ml Demi-glace
做法 :
- Flour and fry chiken in a pan until brown. Place saide
- Next add onion and bacon sweat a little, and then add mushrooms
- Deglaze with wine, add tarragon and demi-glace and bring to boil
- Last add chicken cover and cook in oven 180 degree until tender
- Remove chicken keep warm reduce sauce to coating consistency
- Remove tarragon, add concasse and stir for 15s then serve
Chicken Kiev 基輔雞:
吃俄羅斯料理時,常常會看到許多人點這道菜,[基輔]也正是烏克蘭的首府,但發明這道菜的人是一位法國人,而它原本的名字是 côtelettes de volaille ,只是後來在美國給它換了這個名字,沒想到這名字又傳回歐陸後反而取代原本名字了。
吃這道菜時,要讓客人去切開,去體會蒜香奶油從中間緩緩流出的感動。而當我這道菜做好時,帥哥主廚Jason還調皮地跟我玩: [Are you ready?],假裝要切但其實沒切的樣子,哈哈。但是真的看著主廚切下的那一刻,我居然感動到差點夾不住眼淚,有一種,Yes,I do make it! 腎上腺素瞬間飆升,自信膨脹到頂點的感覺,真開心
- 1 Chicken supreme, 60g Butter, 1 clove Garlic, 1/2 Lemon juice,10g Parsley, Crumbing set( flour, egg/milk and breadcrumb,
- Prepare the compound butter, from garlic parsley and lemon juice
- Shape into cylinder shaped piece
- Skin the breast and carefully remove the fillet
- Clean away the flesh around the wing bone, ensuring that the bone stays attached to the breast. Lightly flatten both the fillet and the breast, bteween plastic using a meat mallet
- Place a piece of compound butter on the breast, cover the butter with the fillet and draw up the flesh. Ensure that the butter and fillet is completely enclosed
- Chill in fridge
- Double crumb through the crumbing set and chill again
- Deep fry at 180 degree for approx 5 mins until golden in colour
- Place in oven on wire rack for approx 10 mins
- Drain well and serve (Do not cut before serving)
來到2A班中,有高的矮的白的黃的黑的男的女的,但就是沒有任何一個人是熟面孔,所以又要很艱難的邁出記名字之路...( K力擅長記會長出食物的植物,但人名就沒法度,該說是天資嘛!)。上學期學校花了兩天讓學生熟悉環境,這學期呢? 十五分鐘! 你沒看錯,主廚示範課結束之後,我們就要馬上進廚房分解全雞和料理了,所以不要以為第一天開學就很放鬆,廚具工作服這些傢伙,絕對要帶上!!!
而這學期也進入威廉安格斯的餐廳實習,一個是大餐廳,一晚可供應至200人以上;另一個是Bistro小餐廳,這兩間餐廳各有不同的菜單,所以整學期都用相同菜單+三次自助吧+一次聖誕節特餐+一次請外面知名餐廳主廚示範新菜單與監督,好玩的是,雖然是相同菜單(手工麵包、前菜、三種冷盤、高湯和湯品、三種主菜、全套素食餐、三種甜點),但每個同學都會輪作不同的職務,有可能這次是做冷盤,下次你就可能換當主廚 ~
而原本以為禮拜四的大餐廳實習和禮拜五的小餐廳實習,都只是做介紹,但是沒想到禮拜五在小餐廳,為了讓大家盡快上手,主廚Garry帶這我們繞一圈廚房,就趕著要求我們動工了(而且這道菜你可能根本沒聽過沒做過!!! 只能看著食譜敘述一步步完成),而根據我被分配的內容,就是做包著檸檬凝乳的泡芙,雖然泡芙我自己也玩了好幾回,但是檸檬凝乳Lemon curd 我第一次聽到,雖然一步步照著食譜完成,但總覺得好像在太空漫步一樣,你所有裝備都齊全了,但就是不知道終點在哪裡! 好刺激阿~而我算很幸運的了,因為旁邊分配到另外兩種甜點的Jessica 和Jae,就被要求重做了...這一週真是,上緊發條的新開始!
A bistro /ˈbiːstroʊ/ :
sometimes spelled bistrot, is, in its original Parisian incarnation, a small restaurantserving moderately priced simple meals in a modest setting. Bistros are defined mostly by the foods they serve. French home-style cooking, and slow-cooked foods like cassoulet, a bean stew, are typical.-Wiki 維基百科
Fruit curd : 利用蛋白和酸結合而成稠稠的乳狀
A dessert spread and topping usually made with lemon, lime, orange or raspberry.Specific types of fruit curd are named after the central curd in them - for example, that made with lemons is known as "lemon curd". The basic ingredients are beaten egg yolks, sugar, fruit juice and zest which are gently cooked together until thick and then allowed to cool, forming a soft, smooth, intensely flavored spread. Some recipes also include egg whites and/or butter - Wiki/Lemon_curd
haha, lemon curd我覺得很清爽很好吃!不過自己做了如果要囤成醬放在冰箱,我發現奶油會浮到上層。如果大嫂有別的做lemon curd的小技巧,記得分享上來!
回覆刪除今天見到甜點主廚示範的Lemon Curd,主廚都好會藏一手阿~~~哈哈下回影片教學分享!
回覆刪除现在的世界非常大,做代理孕母机构的公司也非常多,但是是不是每个都能去试还不知道,我本人推荐这家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心绝对可以相信,他们的医生利用最新技术和最佳方法,帮助你们取得积极的IVF项目成果,也有多语种的工作人员使客户留在诊所更舒适以及最好的代孕妈妈给你选择,你绝对不会后悔。 而且医院不只帮助有需要的人得到幸福,他们也支持国家运动员并推广自己的生意。真心不错!